Student Progress and Promotion
The academic courses in the didactic phase of the curriculum are graded on a pass/fail system. The clinical phase is given a letter grade for each clinical rotation. Student must pass each rotation with a C or better to earn credit for the respective rotation, otherwise remediation will be necessary. Students must earn passing course scores in all phases of the curriculum to be considered for promotion and graduation. Student progress is monitored regularly by the Professional Standards and Promotions Committee (PSPC). Non passing scores in any phase of the curriculum will result in requirement for remediation and possible additional action by the PSPC. Promotion from the academic year to the clinical year, and graduation from the School of Physician Assistant Studies, are based on the student’s competency and readiness to assume a professional role, as well as his/her academic performance. While grades are important, the decisions for promotion and graduation are based on the composite picture of both academic performance and professional growth and development.
Feedback from Students
The School of Physician Assistant Studies values feedback from its students, and it regularly collects both quantitative and qualitative feedback in a variety of ways, including students’ evaluations of instructors and course directors, and the Exit Survey which is administered at the end of each year of the program. Scores and comments on all feedback instruments are tabulated, discussed, analyzed, and used as a primary means by which the School makes modifications to the curriculum and organizational design.