All students are required to own a laptop computer and bring it to class on a regular basis. The College of Medicine does not endorse a specific operating system or computer brand. This requirement focuses on function and open standards. The following list of capabilities are required at a minimum:
- Intel Core 2 Duo, or 1 series processor
Windows 7 or higher operating systems is currently recommended* - 4 GB of RAM or more
- 256 GB Hard Drive or higher
- DVD-R/RW Drive
- USB ports (at least 2)
- WiFi wireless networking on laptops
- Sound card, and speakers or headphone
- Display resolution at least 1024×768 pixels
- Printer
- 100mbit or 1 Gbit Ethernet Adapter for Broadband
- Broadband connection to the Internet and related equipment (Generally supplied by the service provide). Cable or DSL highly recommended.
- Malware protection
- Current, fully-patched operating system
- Anti-viral software installed and up to date
- Anti-spyware software installed and up to date
- Modern, standards-compliant Web browser
- Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, and Safari are good choices.
- Standards-based email client
- Must be capable of accessing campus Gatorlink email.
- Some students may wish to use the campus Webmail exclusively.
- Standard “run time” environment for Java programs
- Standard Media Player
- Software to read/write Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint formats
- Ability to read PDF files
*Apple Macintosh Computers running Windows 7 Late model Macs have the ability to run Windows 7 natively, either on a separate partition of the hard drive or in a virtual machine. Students planning on installing Windows 7 on their Macs should be aware that this will take up a minimum of 30GB of space or a recommended 60GB and should purchase a hard drive with this in mind. Once Windows 7 is installed the OSX disk that came with your Mac contains all the necessary drivers and applications to allow for Windows 7 to function properly with your hardware.
**Mac is not supported by our Technology helps desk